
Publications in Journals

Malzacher, S., Meißner, D., Range, J., Findrik Blazevic, Z., Rosenthal, K., Woodley, J.M., Wohlgemuth, R., Wied, P., Nidetzky, B., GIessmann, R.T., Prakinee, K., Chaiyen, P., Bommarius, A.S., Rohwer, J.M., de Souza, R.O.M.A., Halling, P.J., Pleiss, J., Kettner, C., Rother, D. (2024) The STRENDA Biocatalysis Guidelines for cataloguing metadata. Nat. Catal. 7:1245-1249. DOI:10.1038/s41929-024-01261-x.

Goldberg, R.N., Giessmann, R.T., Halling, P.J.,Kettner, C., Westerhoff, H.V. (2023) Recommendations for performing measurements of apparent equilibrium constants of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and for reporting the results of these measurements. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 19, 303–316. DOI:10.3762/bjoc.19.26

Lauterbach, S., Dienhart, H., Range, J., Malzacher, S., Spöring, J.-D., Rother, D., Pinto, M.F., Martins, P., Lagerman, C.E., Bommarius, A.S., Vang Host, A., Woodley, J.M., Ngubane, S., Kudanga, T., Bergmann, F.T., Rohwer, J.M, Iglezakis, D., Weidemann, A., Wittig, U., Kettner, C., Swainston, N., Schnell, S., Pleiss, J. (2023) EnzymeML: Seamless data flow and modeling of enzymatic data. Nat. Methods. DOI:10.1038/s41592-022-01763-1

Range, J., Halupczok, C., Lohmann, J., Swainston, N., Kettner, C., Bergmann, F.T., Weidemann, A., Wittig, U., Schnell, S., Pleiss, J. EnzymeML - a data exchange format for biocatalysis and enzymology (2021) The FEBS J. DOI: 10.1111/febs.16318 and ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; 2021; This content is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. DOI:10.33774/chemrxiv-2021-bkxzw.

Halling, P., Fitzpatrick, P.F., Raushel, F.M., Rohwer, J., Schnell, S., Wittig, U., Wohlgemuth, R., Kettner, C. (2018) An empirical analysis of enzyme function reporting for experimental reproducibility: Missing/incomplete information in published papers. Biophys. Chem. 242:22-27. DOI:10.1016/j.bpc.2018.08.004.

Swainston, N., Baici, A., Bakker, B.M., Cornish-Bowden, A., Fitzpatrick, P.F., Halling, P., Leyh, T.S., O'Donovan, C., Raushel, F.M., Reschel, U., Rohwer, J.M., Schnell, S., Schomburg, D., Tipton, K.F., Tsai, M.-D., Westerhoff, H.V., Wittig, U., Wohlgemuth, R. and Kettner, C. (2018) STRENDA DB: enabling the validation and sharing of enzyme kinetics data. The FEBS J. 285(12):2193-2204. DOI:10.1111/febs.14427.

Swainston, N., Kettner, C. (2018) A repository for quality-assured data on enzyme activity. Nature 556:309. DOI:10.1038/d41586-018-04630-2.





Orchard, S., Albar, J.P., Binz, P.-A., Kettner, C., Jones, A.R., Salek, R.M., Vizcaino, J.A., Deutsch, E.W., Hermjakob, H. (2014) Meeting New Challenges: The 2014 HUPO-PSI/COSMOS Workshop. Proteomics 14(21-22):2363-2368. DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201470164.

Kettner C et al. (2010) Meeting Report from the Second „Minimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations“ (MIBBI) Workshop. Standards in Genomic Sciences 3:259-266. DOI:10.4056/sigs.1493697.

Apweiler R, Armstrong R, Bairoch A, Cornish-Bowden A, Halling PJ, Hofmeyr J-HS, Kettner C, Leyh TS, Rohwer J, Schomburg D, Steinbeck C and Tipton KT (2010) A large-scale protein-function database. Nature Chemical Biology 6: 785. DOI:10.1038/nchembio.460.

van Eunen K, Bouwman J, Daran-Lapujade P, Postmus J, Canelas AB, Mensonides FI, Orij R, Tuzun I, van den Brink J, Smits GJ, van Gulik WM, Brul S, Heijnen JJ, Teixeira de Mattos MJ, Kettner C, Nielsen J, Westerhoff HV and Bakker BM (2010) Measuring enzyme activities under standardized in vivo-like conditions for Systems Biology. FEBS Journal 277(3):749-760. DOI:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2009.07524.x.

Kettner C (2009) Uniform reporting standards for enzyme activity data. FEBS Journal 276:108-109, Suppl. 1.

Taylor CF et al. (2008) Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project. Nat. Biotech. 26(8):889-896. DOI:10.1038/nbt.1411.

Kettner C (2007) Limitations of biological systems research. European Biotechnology News 3-4(6):36-43.

Kettner C (2007) Good Publication practice as a prerequisite for comparable enzyme data? Proceedings-Artikel zum EML-Workshop „Storage and Annotation of Reaction Kinetics Data“, Mai 2007. Supp. in In Silico Biol. 7 S1, 07.

Kettner C (2006) Eine Frage von Good Publication Practice, Tagungsbericht für das Life Sciences-Magazin Laborwelt 4(7):15-16.

Apweiler R, Cornish-Bowden, A, Hofmeyr J-HS, Kettner C, Leyh TS, Schomburg D and Tipton KT (2005) The importance of uniformity in reporting protein-function data. Trends Biochem. Sci. 30:11-12.

Kettner C and Hicks MG (2005) The Dilemma of Modern Functional Enzymology. Current Enzyme Inhibition 1(2):3-10. DOI:10.2174/1573408054022234.


Perspectives in Science

Volume 1, Issues 1–6, Pages 1-138 (May 2014)

Elsevier GmbH, München

Reporting Enzymology Data - STRENDA Recommendations and Beyond


Access to the download numbers per article and in total from March to September 2014.

Quo Vadis, enzymology data? Introductory remarks
Carsten Kettner, Athel Cornish-Bowden

Standards in biothermodynamics
Robert N. Goldberg

Standardization in enzymology—Data integration in the world?s enzyme information system BRENDA
Ida Schomburg, Antje Chang, Dietmar Schomburg

Predictive genomic and metabolomic analysis for the standardization of enzyme data
Masaaki Kotera, Susumu Goto, Minoru Kanehisa

Data extraction for the reaction kinetics database SABIO-RK
Ulrike Wittig, Renate Kania, Meik Bittkowski, Elina Wetsch, Lei Shi, Lenneke Jong, Martin Golebiewski, Maja Rey, Andreas Weidemann, Isabel Rojas, Wolfgang Müller

Enzyme assays
Hans Bisswanger

Considerations for the design and reporting of enzyme assays in high-throughput screening applications
Michael G. Acker, Douglas S. Auld

Current IUBMB recommendations on enzyme nomenclature and kinetics
Athel Cornish-Bowden

Nomenclature for the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance to the study of enzymes
Octavio Monasterio

Measurement and reporting of data in applied biocatalysis
Peter J. Halling, Munishwar N. Gupta

Standards for the reporting of kinetic isotope effects in enzymology
Kevin Francis, Amnon Kohen

Analysis and interpretation of enzyme kinetic data
Athel Cornish-Bowden

The importance and challenges of in vivo-like enzyme kinetics
Karen van Eunen, Barbara M. Bakker

Standards for Reporting Enzyme Data: The STRENDA Consortium: What it aims to do and why it should be helpful
Keith F. Tipton, Richard N. Armstrong, Barbara M. Bakker, Amos Bairoch, Athel Cornish-Bowden, Peter J. Halling, Jan-Hendrik Hofmeyr, Thomas S. Leyh, Carsten Kettner, Frank M. Raushel, Johann Rohwer, Dietmar Schomburg, Christoph Steinbeck