10th MIRAGE meeting

24 June, 2019

Limburg, Germany


This 10th MIRAGE meeting will take place at

Dom Hotel Limburg
Grabenstr. 57
65549 Limburg, Germany

on Monday, the 24th from 9 am to 5 pm.

For the participation and the reimbursement of travel expenses both the registration for the MIRAGE meeting and the application for travel expenses are required.

Registration forms should be returned by 29 March, 2019.

Application forms for travel expenses should be returned by 29 March 2019.

Please refer to the information on First Information & Preliminary Agenda sent out previously for the prerequisites of the reimbursement of both the travel expenses and accommodation.

Accommodation and Travel

Accommodation will be booked on request at the Dom Hotel Limburg. Please refer to 'Accommodation' on the conference website of the Beilstein Glyco-Bioinformatics Symposium 2019.

You will also find these details in the 'First Information' sent out previously.


At the Boston MIRAGE meeting we agreed on a comprehensive tasklist. Thus, in a first approximation, status reports and content-related discussions will make the major part of our program followed by a task list for the next 12 months.


9.00 Welcome and Opening - CK

  • MIRAGE an overview - CK
  • Wikipedia entry
  • Website
  • Flyer

9.30 Tasks agreed at the Boston MIRAGE meeting:

  • Status and discussions, followed by outlook
  • Making guidelines 'useful' (templates, examples, etc.)
  • LC Guidelines - MC
  • CE Guidelines - JZ
  • Glycan reagents specificity Guidelines - JP
  • Glycopeptide Analysis Gudielines - FL
  • Lectin Array Experiments Reporting Guidelines - JP

10.30 NMR Guidelines - JP, JJB, AMC

  • Overview, drafting, strategy

12.30 Lunch


13.30 Promotion with journals

  • in general - TF, DK, FL, NP, JP
  • in particular, for Glycan Microarrays - TF, JP

14.30 Further advancing of the MIRAGE guidelines in the communty

15.30 Ontologies and Metadata - MC, FL, RR, KAK

  • Status and discussions
  • Individual ontologies vs. one-in-all
  • Data exchange formats?

16.30 Tasklist

17.00 Close

19.30 Welcome Reception of the Beilstein Glyco-Bioinformatics Symposium 2019