General Information

Register | Key Dates | PoliciesLiability

Conference program


Monday, September 2: Arrival, welcome reception (7 pm), dinner

Tuesday, September 3: Full day of scientific talks, poster session

Wednesday, September 4: Scientific talks and excursion in the afternoon (hike along the vineyards, chair lift to the hotel)

Thursday, September 5: Full day of scientific talks

Friday, September 6: Departure after breakfast


Key information


Location: Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald, Rüdesheim, Germany

Poster: Participants can apply with an abstract for a poster slot. Presenting authors are waived the registration fee.

Language: All talks and posters will be in English

Meals: Lunches, dinners, coffee breaks will take place at the Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald.

Abstract book: Names, institution addresses and email addresses will be published in the abstracts book that is handed out to all participants.



The costs for attending this symposium consists of the
conference package and the registration fee.

Conference package: has to be purchased at the Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald upon arrival. Includes dinners, lunches and coffee breaks from dinner on September 2 to dinner on September 5 and admits access to the conference room.

Registration fee: has to be paid directly to the Beilstein-Institut and is waived for poster presenters.




Staying at the Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald is recommended for 420 EUR (Single room, 4 nights + breakfast, arrival September 2, departure September 6).

A limited amount of rooms are reserved for participants of this symposium until July 1. Please state that you are participating at the conference when you do your booking.

Alternative accommodations are available in the town of Rudesheim.

Important note! The purchase of the conference package is mandatory whether you are staying at the conference hotel overnight or at an alternative accommodation.





Conference Package 

407 EUR

Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald

Mandatory! Includes dinners, lunches and coffee breaks from dinner on September 2-5.

Registration Fee

200 EUR


Waived for poster presenters


430 EUR

Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald

Single room, 4 nights + breakfast (arrival September 2, departure September 6)

Key Dates

For Speakers

May 3

Title and abstract of the presentation

June 7

Deadline for application for travel expenses

June 7

Final version of the abstract and biographies

September 2

Arrival at the conference venue

September 3–5

Scientific program

September 6


December 6

Deadline for the reimbursement of travel expenses







For Participants

July 1

Deadline room reservation at conference hotel

July 26

Abstract for poster presentation

August 2

Information of applicants if their abstracts have been accepted

August 23

Deadline for registration and payment of standard Beilstein conference fee

September 2

Arrival at conference venue; posters can be mounted for display from 4 pm

September 3–5

Scientific program

September 6


Liability and Insurance

The Beilstein-Institut will not be liable for any accident, theft or damage to property, nor for any delays or modification in the program due to unforeseen circumstances.

Participants and accompanying persons are advised to arrange for their personal travel and health insurance.