
In the focus of the foundation's work are long-term projects. These include the Beilstein Open Access Journals and the video portal Beilstein TV with worldwide free access. The Beilstein-Institut organizes internationally oriented symposia and coordinates two data standardization projects – STRENDA and MIRAGE. In addition, innovative initiatives are funded – either directly or through endowed professorships and scholarships.

Current Funding Initiatives

  • After a fire damage in the Liebig Museum in Gießen, Germany, the Beilstein-Institut supports its reconstruction.
  • Since 2011 the Hessian Student Academy for Middle Schools has been funded. Each year, ten days during their school holidays, around 60 students of German school grades seven to nine take courses in the fields of chemistry, art and culture, biology, mathematics and physics at Burg Fürsteneck in Germany.


future funding initiatives

There are currently no open funding initiatives to apply for.

Previous Funding Initiatives

Funding initiatives that have been completed include:

  • 2012–2016: Beilstein Stipendium. In 2012 and 2013 two scholarship programs for in total 23 PhD students from all over Germany were implemented. The scholarship program enabled young scientists to carry out their doctoral studies in basic research in chemistry and related disciplines. It addressed those students who want to devote their doctoral studies to interdisciplinary research projects in biochemistry, chemistry and physics.
  • 2009–2013: NanoBiC. The central theme was the effect of high-energy radiation on objects in the nanometer range. Within the framework of NanoBiC (Nano, Bio, Chemistry and Computing) a wide range of collaborative sub-projects were carried through, between the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, the Technische Universität in Darmstadt, the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research) in Darmstadt and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies.



Funding AREAS

According to the constitution the foundation fulfills its purpose particularly in that, in the area of chemistry and its related disciplines, especially those concerning information and communication, it

  • builds, maintains, extends and improves scientific databases and information systems, as well as developing and making available any necessary electronic products;
  • publishes scientific works in printed and electronic form;
  • builds and makes available information and communication platforms in different media, such as scientific journals on the Internet, science TV / video podcasts on the Internet, as well as producing the necessary contents, for example videos, and developing and making available any necessary electronic products;
  • arranges scientific events, such as seminars, workshops, symposia and conferences;
  • supports courses for students;
  • awards prizes and stipends;
  • supports research, teaching and publication projects with financial help for personnel and material expenditure (e.g., professorships).