Registration and fee

The conference registration fee is EUR 200. The registration fee will be waived for poster presenters.

The registration fee should be paid to the following account (Please state the names of the participants and Beilstein Shaping Synthesis on all transfers):

BW Bank, Stuttgart
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):
DE31 6005 0101 0405 4452 39

Participants are responsible for paying any bank charges.

Register by sending the form below to the organizer at

Refunds for cancellations cannot be made after September 13, 2025. Any refunds will be paid after the symposium and subject to a EUR 50 administration fee.

If you have to cancel, please note, that registrations may be transferred to another member of your organization at any time.

Please refer to Accommodation for further details on the location, overnight stay and the mandatory conference package.


Declaration of Agreement - Data Protection

Due to data protection rules we are asking for your permission for storing and using your contact details as provided in your registration form for purposes defined in the form. Please complete, sign and return the delaration of agreement on the second page of the registration form.