Conference grant and Poster

grant website

The Beilstein Organic Chemistry Symposium provides scientists the opportunity to present the latest results from their research with a poster and apply for a conference grant.

When you intend to apply for the conference grant, please check the respective box in the registration form. While all participants can apply to present a poster and have the registration fee waived, the conference grant is reserved for undergraduate or recently graduated students. More details about the conditions can be found below.

Every poster presenter and conference grant awardee will get a 5 min time slot for an oral presentation to pitch their poster to the audience

Please note that the number of poster slots is limited and poster applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Poster (for more info click here)

  • Abstract: up to 300 words
  • Deadline: September 13, 2025
  • After acceptance you are waived the registration fee (EUR 200)

Conference grant (for more info click here)

  • Abstract: up to 900 words, 1 graphical element, 5 key references
  • Short tabular CV
  • Deadline: To be announced
  • The conference grant includes the conference package and the registration fee (EUR 638)

Poster application

Please send the registration form and abstract to:

The abstract has to be written in English and must not exceed 300 words. The abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the organizers.

Please note that poster abstracts can only be considered for scientific review with the completed and signed registration form.

You will be notified if your abstract is accepted by September 20, 2025 at the latest. Presenting authors are waived the registration fee (EUR 200).

The receipt of the submission will be sent to the stated email address. If you do not receive the confirmatory email within 24 hours, please contact us at:

Conference grant application

How to apply?

Please send the registration form, extended abstract and your CV to:

The abstract has to be written in English and must not exceed 900 words (not including the references section), five references and can include up to one graphical element. Please elucidate the following points:

  • Provide a clear description of the problem which you are trying to solve with your work. What contribution do you want to make to your field of research?
  • Put your research into the context of the existing literature by referencing up to five key publications in the respective field.
  • Put your research topic in a wider context of general research.
  • Provide a concise description of your results.
  • Shortly discuss which challenges still remain and/or whether new challenges have emerged to be addressed in your or other’s future project.

The decision on who will receive the conference grant will be made by the organization committee of the Beilstein Symposium based on the points mentioned above.

What does the conference grant include?

The conference grant covers the mandatory “conference package” valued at EUR 438 which includes all lunches, dinners and coffee breaks from dinner on Monday, October 13 to dinner on Thursday, October 16 and admits access to the conference room. The Beilstein-Institut will directly purchase the conference package for each awardee. This conference grant is in addition to the waived conference fee of EUR 200 that all poster presenters receive.

Who can apply?

Only participants who apply to present a poster are eligible to apply for a conference grant as well. In addition, the following conditions must be met:

  • You are an undergraduate or graduate student or a maximum of five years after your PhD.
  • You must work at a university, public research institute or other non-profit organization

What are the deadlines?

To be announced.

Additional Information

  • Hotel accommodation (including breakfast) and travel costs are not covered by the conference grant.
  • If you do not receive the conference grant, please notify the organizer ( if you still plan on attending the conference.
  • If you are eligible to present your poster without being awarded you will be waived the conference registration fee, i.e. EUR 200.
  • You must declare any potential conflict of interest in your application. This will be taken into account during the evaluation of your application.
  • The receipt of the submission will be sent to the stated email address. If you do not receive the confirmatory email within 24 hours, please contact us at: