Harnessing Light Energy with Molecules

Beilstein Organic Chemistry Symposium 2024

October 8 – 10, 2024
Dom Hotel, Limburg, Germany

Scientific Organizer:
Grace G. D. Han / Brandeis University, Waltham
Hermann A. Wegner / Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen

Stay tuned #BeilsteinHarnessingLight2024


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Topics 2024

The ultimate source of energy on earth is sunlight, but storing solar energy in molecules and soft matter for subsequent use poses a significant challenge. This symposium aims to uncover and explore fundamental concepts that involve utilizing molecules to capture and store light energy. The focus is on any molecular-level interaction with light; relevant topics include the storage of photon energy and the release as heat in molecular solar thermal storage (MOST) systems, as well as transformation photon energy into different types such as chemical or electrical energy.

The symposium will cover, but is not limited to the following themes:

/ Understanding of interactions of light with molecules

/ Molecules involved in light-mediated transformations

/ Photoswitches for energy management

/ Devices utilizing molecules for light-triggered processes



Ivan Aprahamian / Dartmouth College, USA

Sophie Beeren / Technical University of Denmark

Mogens Brøndsted Nielsen / University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Stefano Crespi / Uppsala University, Sweden

Rachel Evans / University of Cambridge, UK

Grace G. D. Han / Brandeis University, USA

Sunkyu Han / KAIST, Republic of Korea


Helen Hölzel / Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain

Christoph Kerzig / University of Mainz, Germany

Daichi Kitagawa / Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan

Franco King-Chi Leung / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Doreen Mollenhauer / Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

Kasper Moth-Poulsen / Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Spain

Timothy Noël / University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Arri Priimagi / Tampere University, Finland


Ravinder Pawar / National Institute of Technology Warangal, India

Bart Jan Ravoo / University of Muenster, Germany

Anne Staubitz / University of Kiel, Germany

Hermann A. Wegner / Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

Emma Wolpert / Imperial College London, UK

Si Wu / University of Science and Technology of China

Nobuhiro Yanai / Kyushu University, Japan


Light Powered Mechanically Active Materials
Navneet Kaur Gill / University of Queensland, Australia

Harnessing light with carbon quantum dots – bright and colorful fluorescence emissions and photoinduced redox processes driving photocatalysis and antimicrobial functions
Ya-Ping Sun / Clemson University, USA

Systems controlled by light: A series Of thieno[3,2-b]thiophene imines
Harry Robson / VŠCHT Praha, Czech Republic

Designing new organic photosensitizers for solar light conversion: applications in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) and Photoelectrochemical Cells (DS-PECs)
Alessio Dessì / National Council of Research, Italy

Making the MOST of the photodimerization of 1,4-aryl-substituted anthracenes
Till Staschko / University of Siegen, Germany

New polymer and macrocyclic hybrid photoswitches: their synthesis and study
Martin Šetek / VŠCHT Praha, Czech Republic

A fiber-optic spectroscopic setup for isomerization quantum yield determination
Jorn Steen / Uppsala University, Sweden

Synthetic advances towards cyclohexaazobenzene for increased storage energy density
Silke Müsse / Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany

Vis-to-UV photon upconverting porous monoliths
Sakura Nakagawa / Kyushu University, Japan

Application of fluorescent organic materials in luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) and visible light communication (VLC)
Massimo Calamante / National Council of Research, Italy

Novel organic dyes for DSSC cells utilizing the intramolecular Förster energy transfer (FRET) to enhance light harvesting
Elena Ermini / National Council of Research, Italy

Functionalisation of gold nanoparticles with arylazopyrazole-modified N-heterocyclic carbene ligands
Dominik Mählmann / University of Münster, Germany

Monoaryl-substituted norbornadienes for efficient molecular solar thermal energy storage
Robin Schulte / University of Siegen, Germany

Investigation of the photoinduced electron transfer-induced cycloreversion of quadricyclanes to norbornadienes
Julian Hebborn / University of Siegen, Germany

Fast T-type photochromism of aza-diarylethenes
Shota Hamatani / Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan

Investigation of the photoinduced electron transfer-induced cycloreversion of quadricyclanes to norbornadienes
Paul Gueben / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

Teamwork makes the dream work - Symbiotic lone-pair/pi and C-H/pi interactions in meta-bis-azobenzenes
Dominic Schatz / Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany

Electronic effects on Dithienylethene-based organocatalysts
Debashis Majee / National University of Singapore, Germany

Surface tension manipulation with visible light through sensitized disequilibration of photoswitchable amphiphiles
Bastian Stövesand / University of Münster, Germany

Hemipiperazines as novel peptide-derived molecular photoswitches
Peter Gödtel / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Hemipiperazine-based photochromic sensors and nanomaterials
Valentin Schäfer / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany