Funding Report


Funding Report

The funding report presents the projects and activities of the Beilstein-Institut from 2009 to 2013.

Individual sections of the report can be downloaded here.

Download individual sections of the Funding report

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    Information and Communication Platforms

    Beilstein Open Access Journals
    Beilstein TV

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    Scientifc Events

    Beilstein Bozen Symposium
    STRENDA and Beilstein ESCEC Symposium
    MIRAGE and Beilstein Glyco-Bioinformatics Symposium

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    Courses and Educational Projects for School Pupils

    Hessian Student Academy for Middle

  • DownloadDownload


    Beilstein Scholarship Program

  • DownloadDownload

    Research, Teaching and Publication Activities

    Beilstein Endowed Chair

  • DownloadDownload

    Facts and Figures

    Financial Situation and Funding Volume
    Annual Financial Statements 2013
    Foundation Council
    Management and Employees

DDC Award

Award for the Funding Report of the Beilstein-Institut

Büro Schramm received an award from the Deutsche Designer Club (DDC) in the category Company Communication for the design of the Beilstein-Institut funding report 2009–2013.

The Beilstein-Institut is very pleased to congratulate Büro Schramm on this success!

The Deutsche Designer Club (DDC) is an initiative awarding good design. The competition called “Gute Gestaltung – Good Design” takes place annually and awards prizes in ten categories.